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Build Futures

Build Futures provides immediate, essential services to help forgotten and abandoned youth return to society. And with our job training and housing programs our youth have a 73% success rate keeping off the streets.

Our goal is simple:

To never turn away a homeless youth who needs help in Orange County

Build Futures exists to move homeless, transitional-aged (18- to 24-year-old) youth from the streets to safe, stable housing, while providing the services, resources, and support they need to develop long-term independence.

We work relentlessly to help every homeless youth who comes to us prepare for the workplace and move into full-time employment, and we have a vision of permanently ending youth homelessness in Orange County.

Build Futures was established in 2009 to assist transitional-aged homeless youth in Orange County because we know this population faces unique challenges that are not addressed by existing homeless support organizations. In order to support our homeless youth population in making the overwhelming changes necessary to find stability in society, Build Futures has developed an innovative program to support them on their challenging path to independence.

The most important need for homeless transitional-aged youth is shelter.

Build Futures firmly believes that safe housing is the most essential need for every homeless youth, especially considering the rise in human trafficking, drug abuse, and street crime. We know it’s impossible to live without stable housing, so Build Futures aims to house homeless youth within six hours of initial contact. Our goal is to never turn away a homeless youth referred to our program, and we continue to work hard to meet that goal every day. We have permanently rehoused over 1,000 homeless youth since we opened our doors in 2009. In 2018 alone, we rehoused 125 young people.

After housing is secured, homeless transitional-aged youth need support.

Build Futures engages in intensive case management with each client to identify and provide for basic needs. We begin the arduous process of addressing the countless obstacles that homeless youth face. From a lack of legal identification to spotty or nonexistent work histories, our clients must overcome significant barriers to stability that are unique to their age group. Individually tailored case management, including mentorship with a supportive adult, helps our clients conquer these barriers and find stable jobs.

Build Futures continues to serve as the only organization in Orange County addressing the specific needs of homeless youth aged 18-24.

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